Preaching the true gospel, offering salvation,
blessing others with signs, wonders, miracles, freedom, and healing,
while teaching people how to walk with Christ.
What's New
The Lord is breaking ground again!!
We are blessed to bear witness as the Lord begins construction on a 2nd location for the growing number of believers in Chiclayo, Peru.
Please check out this video to see how God is changing this community.
Building is almost complete at the first location in Chiclayo, Peru!
All GLORY to God, Who is providing a safe place for His people to hear the true gospel preached, receive salvation and liberation, and learn how to walk with Christ.
These growing family groups are congregating several times a week while receiving food and provision from the Lord. Please consider sowing into this vision!
Send an email to
and you will be directed on how to make a donation!
Thank you for supporting His vision!
New Life in Christs exists to give all glory to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Raised up by the Spirit of God, we are dedicated to preaching the true gospel, offering salvation, blessing with signs, wonders, miracles, freedom, and healing, while teaching people how to walk with Christ. Please join any one of our services in English or in Spanish.
Worship Band

The Lord is moving in miraculous ways through His teaching series "But Now In The New Testament, Christ Redeemed Us From The Curse of Sin, Becoming A Curse By Being Hung On A Tree".
The Holy Spirit continues to heal His people of spiritual, physical and emotional afflictions.
Check out these incredible testimonies of the goodness of the Lord!